Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tasse Cafe- les Bus Drivers des Annees Passees

As heard on the Tasse Cafe Radion Program at

Les Bus Drivers des Années Passées

On va quitter ça comme ça... (We gonna leave it like that...)

ti dis ti viens de la campagne? (You say you come from the country?)

le bus à Monsieur Lee Fuselier, il nous a ramené sur le chemin d'Opelousas (Mister Lee Fuselier's bus brought us to the Opelousas road)

Ça c'était eine autre affaire dessus ça  (That was another thing (on that))

let me tell you, dat Belaire don't mess around! You didn't tchiquailler around with him, no, he'd leave you!  (Let me tell you that person descended from Augustin Belaire Fontenot (b. 1798) did not mess around! You didn't waste time with him, he'd leave you!)

Écoute, mon premier bus driver quand j'allais à l'école... ( Listen, my first bus driver when I went to school...)

le premier school bus moi j'ai ride à l'école c'était le bus à Monsieur Doux ( the first bus I rode to school was Mister Sweet's bus)

Mister Doux was always ready to drive the bus somewhere. If you needed something you always could call Mister Doux, cause he was always ready to "do" it!

Oh yeah, he lived right there by slap ya mama.

"Downtown L'anse Belaire" ( Downtown Cove of the Belaires)

Ça fait, on est gone charrer pour le K and B grocery, ça c'est au but du grand chemin... (So, we are going to talk about K and B grocery, at the end of main street...)

j'vous embarrass pas de trop, hein!? ( I don't embarrass yall too much, huh?)

allons parler pour Family Hair and Gifts, àyou tu peut trouver tout les bebelles t'après garder pour...( Let's talk about Family Hair and Gifts, where you can find all of the little play thing you are looking for.)

moi j'ai ride dans bus de Monsieur Le Pipe et là, je drive le bus à Pop à Theophile Road ( Me I rode Mister The Pipe's bus and now I drive the dad's bus on the Theophile road.)

on est gone charrer pour Ardoin's Salvage, mais c'est connu comme le Burn Store. Mike, lui, il a hâlé tout les artiques dessus ça... ( we are going to talk about Ardoin's Salvage store, but, it's known as the Burn Store. Mike, him, he hauled all kinds of articles on that...)

La chasse? Ouais, on a fait ein à la Grande Prairie et ein à la GoYo...le Goyo c'est entre Washington and Grand Prairie, you know the Grand Prairie school? Mais, across from that, that's the GoYo... ( a hunt? oh yeah, we made one at the Big Prairie and one at the Goyo. The Goyo is between Washington and the Big Prairie...)

Ç'etait pas les chemins gravaille, non! Ç'etait ein chemin de terre..(it wasnt gravel roads, no! It was some dirts of earth, dirt roads.)


  1. I wanna know more about the Goyo. lol. Seriously, been asking around but no luck. I know some LaFleurs from Grand Prairie and they will. Do you know Shelia L. Saunders from Susan's on Court? She's from Grand Prairie. Her sister Lana works there too. I think the shop is still open. They probably know about that Goyo.

  2. I know those ladies. I will make a pass over there soon. We were just trying to figure out what the Goyo was...must mean something in French...
