Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thing they should sell at the Prairie des Femmes Store

It was run by a local family, and their youngest daughters, bewitching blonde twins, ran the counter for a time. I went there once on la Fete de la Chandeleur to grab nearly all of their eggs and milk because we were short for crepe making at Beau Chene High School. I think I also bought a Mexican coke. They should sell basics like that at the Prairie des Femmes store, and other basics like bags of rice and cans of Rotel, white cherry icees and boudin balls and boules rouges in big glass jars on the counter, of course, but if I had my way, this is what they would also sell at the Prairie des Femmes store (on the old Indian footpath that is now Hwy 93):

  1. powder puffs of thistle tops used to apply powder of the crushed Cherokee rose
  2. fresh pucks of wax-myrtle wax 
  3. bay and beeswax candles
  4. cypress blood, tincture of cypress sap, bottled and corked
  5. Spanish moss in a can, match included 
  6. iron tines of the plow for t-fer making
  7. hats and fans of the latanier for ladies to keep cool in the summertime
  8. smudge sticks of indian sage, lemonbalm, rabbit tobacco
  9. dried teas of herbe a cabri, mugwort, mongrea
  10. sasafrass root
  11. file' powder
  12. comb-in prairie des femmes honey
  13. pecan shell berceuses pour les ti catins
  14. dried French mulberries by the lb
  15. fresh mulberries, dewberries, blackberries in season
  16. white mulberries of the Bayou Bourbeau in season
  17. elderberry syrup for the winter and dried elderberry flowers
  18. wooden beads and raw leather for leather work
  19. Laguiole knives with the bee and goat punch
  20. black taribi, cabresse
  21. bousillage soap bar
  22. red powder made from the crushed shells of lady bugs
  23. job's tear and chinaberry rosaries
  24. blow guns of lilas parasol
  25. shovels
  26. seeds
  27. Poo yaille fertilizer
  28. hammers
  29. basins and buckets of all sizes
  30. rolls of thick brown paper
  31. cast iron cookware
  32. a directory of the names of local traiteurs on a cork board
  33. Louisiana literature and music
  34. quilts
  35. A Prairie des Femmes Field Guide
  36. ceramic shards from the field, embossed with gold
  37. plantain t-fer salve
  38. homgrown fruits and vegetables
  39. lemonbalm tingture
  40. loose manglier tea
Don't try to pull in or turn around at the old Prairie des Femmes store, though! They got the driveway lined with nail boards. 



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